Brzezinski Background
The first question that (especially younger) people ask me
about this placard is, "Who is this guy?�
Should we believe him just because he's a doctor?"
answer is, thirty years ago, this was one of the most powerful men in the
world.� He was President Carter's
National Security Advisor.� Here he is
pictured with Carter and Secretary of State Cyrus Vance.� He is not what I would call a proper hero,
because he believes in grabbing imperial power and overthrowing whomever is in
the way.� But he deserves credit for
approaching empire sanely.� The
The second question that may arise is, "Wasn't Carter a
failure?� Didn't Reagan show him up for a
fool and a wimp?"
The answer to that is, Reagan's (and the GOP's in general)
skill and shameless effrontery in the media (owing largely to the fact
that Big Money owns the GOP far more than it does the Democrats, and Big Media
is also under the thumb of Big Money, ie., the bankers and the financier
families) and in backroom deals have succeeded in foisting a number of
outrageous lies about the Carter years, not the least of which is the October
Surprise, in which a deal was struck with the Iranian Revolutionary government
to hold the hostages until Reagan took office.�
They were released at the precise moment of his inauguration.� The payment was largely made during the
Iran-Contra scandal, the convicted felons of which were pardoned by the
succeeding president George H. W. Bush, and are now back in the Pentagon under
his son.
But Reagan's and his fans' greatest and most successful
fraud is "Reagan won the Cold War".�
The official line is that the USSR was driven into bankruptcy trying to
match the effectiveness of Reagan's so-called Star Wars program, officially
called SDI � the Strategic Defense Initiative, since renamed National Missile
Defense in a more limited framework.
The truth is quite different.� But to understand this, the student needs to
undertake an understanding of, as I said above, the shameless effrontery of
the GOP, and the War Party in general (including War Democrats like Sen. Henry
"Scoop" Jackson of the state of
Take a look at my
other Placard, dealing with Team
B.� It deals with the first time
Donald Rumsfeld was Defense Secretary, in the Ford administration.� 35 years ago, Rumsfeld, Cheney, & Co.
pulled the same scam they pulled this time at the Office of Special Plans. They
dug thru the trash at the CIA and pasted together a hobgoblin, to get the
taxpayers to spend a trillion dollars on weapons and wars. This brilliant film
on BBC, three one�hour segments is a must see on Google Video � Part
One, Part
Two, Part
Three. Here's a
flyer I hand out on the subject.
But the fact is, in both cases, these same criminals created
a massive fraud to justify and scare us into a military adventure that funneled
a trillion dollars into their pockets and those of their friends, the former
being the Reagan military buildup whereby he wrongly claims credit for the
downfall of the USSR, and the latter being the awful mess we are now in in
Iraq, Afghanistan, and soon, I fear, Iran.
On the subject of
the OSP, this article in Mother Jones, "The Lie Factory", is a
good one, but scarcely any source I know of is more instructive than the
testimony of expert witnesses from the various intelligence services before the
Democratic Policy Committee, most especially in answer to the questions of
Congressman Walter Jones (no relation!), as I have featured in my placard Walter Jones' Conversion.� Look here for a transcript of this Senate
hearing where Jones appears as a guest. I have included a
link to the CSPAN video.� I strongly
urge every patriotic American to view this short segment of the comments of
Rep. Jones, questions he asks, and the answers he receives from the highest
authorities in the matter.
Mr. Jones became famous for his "Freedom Fries"
and "Freedom Toast" at the Capitol cafeteria, and I thought him a complete
fool and an insincere shill for the War Party at that time.� But when I heard of his about-face, and saw
this video, I came to understand that he, while being a simple country fellow,
and representing what is perhaps the most heavily militarized district in the
country, yet his motives actually were quite pure and genuine. �Watch it and see if I'm wrong!
But the subject is Brzezinski, and his warning, issued
before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on February 1st.� The most complete video I have found is this
four-minute clip from The Newshour on PBS.�
If anyone can provide me a link to the full testimony video, please
email me at and
I will be most grateful.
Now, why is he credible?�
Read this
brief interview with Le Nouvel Observateur,
Question: The former director of the
CIA, Robert Gates, stated in his memoirs ["From the Shadows"], that
American intelligence services began to aid the Mujahadeen in Brzezinski:
Yes. According to the official version of history, CIA aid to the Mujahadeen
began during 1980, that is to say, after the Soviet army invaded Q: Despite this risk, you were an
advocate of this covert action. But perhaps you yourself desired this Soviet
entry into war and looked to provoke it? B:
It isn't quite that. We didn't push the Russians to intervene, but we
knowingly increased the probability that they would. Q: When the Soviets justified their
intervention by asserting that they intended to fight against a secret
involvement of the B:
Regret what? That secret operation was an excellent idea. It had the effect
of drawing the Russians into the Afghan trap and you want me to regret it?
The day that the Soviets officially crossed the border, I wrote to President
Carter. We now have the opportunity of giving to the Q: And neither do you regret having
supported the Islamic fundamentalism, having given arms and advice to future
terrorists? B: What is most
important to the history of the world? The Taliban or the collapse of the
Soviet empire? Some stirred-up Moslems or the liberation of |
Is he a saint?� I
think not.� He is entirely ready to enter
into a final all-out war with
So he's mad like the Neocons and Bush � just not as stupid!� And, he's not an Israel Firster.� Think about that for a minute.